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The Grove prides themselves in providing a great multipurpose venue, where you can meet friends for a drink and a meal in one of our bars, watch footy or bet on the TAB in the Sports Bar, enjoy a game or two in our comfortable gaming lounge, hold your next function or purchase your beer, wine and spirits in our newly renovated Sip ‘n’ Save Bottle shop.
Located on the corner of Golden Grove and Grenfell Roads, its only 20 minutes north-east of Adelaide’s CBD, The Golden Grove Tavern is a favourite destination for friends and families. SPONSOR: We're proudly 100% member-owned. We work with our members, not just to meet their financial service needs, but to enable dreams, aspirations and fulfilling lives. SPONSOR: Our philosophy is simple; we sell the best meat served by well-trained and passionate staff who love food. We also take pride in the chef getting all the accolades for a great meal! SPONSOR: Australian Fire Services provide a range of services from full design and construct to maintenance and flow testing of fire protection systems. SPONSOR: We help you move more easily, feel more energised and become more healthy. SPONSOR: Formerly SportsPower Golden Grove - same location, same services, same owners, just a new name! SPONSOR - Will Jones: Australian Fire Services provide a range of services from full design and construct to maintenance and flow testing of fire protection systems.